So here goes ...

The big news is that I have found out I am having a daughter in June. The scan picture above was taken in mid-January. And we have decided to call her Megan. Mother and daughter are doing well and the scan showed baby to be healthy, very active and have long legs. And I'm really excited about having a little girl. I gather they are angels for the first 10 years and then the problems start (boyfriends primarily!!), but I can live with that. The main thing is that she appears to be healthy and growing alarmingly fast! I am still completely overwhelmed to be having a child, and in a really really good way. I am enjoying life with just Theresa and I, but I have no fears for when Megan arrives. In the sense that baby will disrupt things or change the adults' relationship in any bad way. I think we will get another travelling companion and a friend.

The redevelopment of Casa de Stancombe continues apace with some awesome decking having been built out the back of the house. Although it's a bit chilly to be out there at the moment I am really happy with the work. It's pretty huge, but should provide an adequate playpen for Stancombe junior when she arrives. And I can smell the BBQ's already!! Cocktails at mine once the temperature rises, everyone?
Next up is just the garden to finish ...
In other news I have decided to move jobs. I haven't been too happy in my current company for a while now and an opportunity has presented itself in a related (although not publishing) industry. After several interviews they decided to offer me the job at the start of this week. I'm really pleased because it is a bigger company and will provide a lot more stability in my and my family's life.
Finally Theresa and my wedding has been arranged for the end of March this year. We're going to get married in a town called Glastonbury in Somerset, which is close to where I come from. It's quite a mystical place and has huge amounts of history. Our wedding will be conventional, but it's wonderful to be allowed to get married somewhere with an inspiring aura to it and a lengthy history.
... and deep breath out.......