Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Blog is 2!!!

It was 24 months ago that I was sitting in an office very similar to this one, looking out on a beautiful day and thinking of home. It’s been a mixed couple of years with lots of changes in my life, and varying regularity in posting. But it’s been wonderful meeting people online and I look forward to that continuing. Happy birthday to my blog…..

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Nearly blog birthday

My blog will be two years old this month, I can't quite believe it!! It
started off one slightly bored day while sitting in Germany, having just
bought a digital camera and while looking for some way to store my digital
photos online somewhere. I was looking purely for a storage site, but was
determined not to pay fees to store the pictures. And I cam across Blogger
and it all started from there. It became a place where I interacted with
people all over the world and proved fascinating to look into other peoples
lives. It became a place where I shared many thoughts and ideas, and at
times put more stuff online than I was probably telling friends. And it has
seen probably some of the biggest changes and happiest moments of my life.
Since I started my blog I have bought a house, met and married my wife and
had a child!! Among many other adventures.
When I started the blog I wrote the following down:
"I am a 31 year old who is in the process of trying to make sense of what I
am and what I'm here for. I kind of worked it out 10 years ago, but got a
bit lost since. So I thought if I started writing stuff down it might bring
some order to my otherwise disparate life. I love what I do, where I am and
who I'm with, but there's something else I'm looking for. I can smell it, I
can taste it and I can almost feel it. But I now need to know what 'it' is.
So here is my unplanned journey of discovery through life.... "
And I'm thinking how true and relevant it still is. Having had a baby I
think I've had a taste of what we're here for. Without demeaning the whole
event it is why we're here and having a child makes you realise that. This
is different to what I realised a few years before while travelling the
world, but I think more significant in some ways. I believe I will still
keep pursuing the meaning of life and keep viewing the world from a
travellers perspective. And I think that's a good thing. When I wrote the
text I left probably the biggest question until last. I'm looking for
something, but not sure what. Well, in the last 18 months I have found love
and true contentment. Sounds a bit sickly maybe, but it brings a lot of
stability to life. I find myself enjoying long slow walks and gardening,
long suppers and curling up in front of a good film. Even lying in bed and
having a coffee at the week-end.
I don't think I am at the end of my journey and I would hope that I don't
reach the end until the end of my life. But I am discovering more pieces of
the puzzle and that is incredibly gratifying.
Thank you everyone who has contributed to this blog and I hope you and I
will still be here in a years time having had a great 12 months.