Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I'm crap - really I am!

I've been working on my blog, but not posting anything for ages now. Still waiting for the changes to all appear, but hopefully things will be cool when they do! To the extent that even my father has wondered where I've gone! I'm still here though. It's been a tough few days at work which has left me stressed, drained, pissed off, and extremely hungry for some reason. I've always claimed to be a bit different, but I've never been hungry through stress before. It normally has the other effect!

Janet came over at the week-end and we went all arty taking photos of everything and everyone. We also went and tried some exceptionally fine wines at Vinopolis which was most agreeable. Hopefully wine tasting (or drinking if I'm being honest) will become a joint hobby when she comes across next year. I've joined Vinopolis so we can go back as much as we want for the next 12 months. One of the staff even recognized me from the last visit so I'm not sure what to think about that. Do I go too regularly or was I really pissed?

Also finally caught up with an old friend in Sweden who is going through a big life change moment. I just want to say that I think this is totally the right thing for you to do, Paul. And I wish you all the luck.

Am off to Munich again tomorrow for a few days. Apparently it's snowing in Bavaria already which is cool (or cold!). Hopefully Janet and I will get some skiing in soon.

Finally I've been most rash and entered the Nike 10km run in London at the end of November. It's a night race around the centre of town. Should be a laugh (like the London Marathon!!), and I am looking forward to it in a very sadistic way. Nike are organizing training runs every week, starting tonight. So I've brought my leggings and slinky jacket (style over substance obviously!) in and I'll be down there at 6pm on the dot. Apparently it's 'only' 5km! so that's Ok then. It will be fun running with others though. Update soon if I survive tonight!

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