After ranting about how Apple decided not to ship my ipod for another 3 weeks, I discover that in fact it was shipped TODAY! I guess it shows that Apple do not know their arse from their elbow. I was about to ring them to shout at somebody. But don't think I can now.
sweet! at least its on its got the 20 gig?
apple's online stuff may be a bit dodgy, but their stores have given me top notch service so far...of course, i have THREE of them within close distance here.
hi dom. thanks for the visit. i like your house. i have a thing for bricks houses and i absolutely love your lil car. what is that exactly?
Jerzee - It's a Smart car. They're not available in the US until 2006 I think. Great cars though. Hugely cute and fun.
Val - Thanks. I live in South-West London in a county called Surrey. About 15km from the centre of town in the leafy suburbs. Want to come and visit? :)
Eleses - no it's a normal engine. 700cc twin turbo. About 70bhp. Doesn't sound powerful, but car only weighs 700kg. Great fuel economy, but nippy with it!
Val - I live near Streatham/Sutton if you know that area.
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