After a couple of really relaxing days off it's back to reality and back to work. I used to actually look forward to coming back to the office (in the good old days), but now I just don't want to be here at all. I don't know if this is because I am getting old, getting cynical, or have just realized that work is just a job and doesn't actually matter that much. Or my job doesn't at any rate. Nobody dies and the world does not end if something doesn't happen. I think this struck me even more when I listened to several messages from the past few days, this morning telling me about disasters that were happening in the office. And when I phone round to see what had actually happened I was told that everything was fine and had been resolved!
While all this was going on Janet and I had an excellent day tasting champagne and chocolates at our favourite wine place called Vinopolis (like a wine tour/tasting place/shop - I can strongly recommend it if you're in London). Tried some champagnes and Cava's which were not so good, but found a couple which I would definitely try again. I'm very much a Veuve Clicquot guy and I can't stand Moet (too acidic) or Mumm (too dry). But I tried a Charles Heidseck which was lovely. Also tried a Piper Heidseck which tasted of bread which I didn't like (it's left in the yeast longer to give it the earthy taste). Everyone else liked it, but not me. But then again I do consider myself different to most!!
As keen amateur (think I can call myself that now) photographers we went to the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition at the Natural History Museum as well. And there were some stunning images there. The above picture if the overall winner and I think it's pretty cool. It's of Bronze whalers charging a baitball of Sardines off South Africa. The photgrapher described it as 'one of the most intense experiences of my life'. No shit! I've put the link above to the other photos. The dusk/dawn ones are incredible. The shots make me feel quite humble and realise how far I've still got to go before I can come close to taking these pictures.
hey dom!
it sounds like you had a wonderful few days off . . . good for you! i'm glad you have someone special to spend the time with too! about work, it's just work, yeah? it pays the bills, blah, blah, blah . . . that's not what makes the time spent worthwhile. getting to spend time with someone special (janet) or getting to spend time pursuing something you are genuinely interested in (photography) . . . that's what makes your time worthwhile! well, at least that's my take on it . . . hope you are well!
I have that pic as my PC desktop, it's a brilliant image.
I have NO idea HOW they could have taken it!
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