Thursday, April 28, 2005

My first proper visit to East Germany

This afternoon I will be going properly to East Germany for the first time. I went through it on the train in 1995 on the way to Prague, but only glimpsed a little. I'd had a busy time in Berlin before and was popped. And East Germany had no particular significance to me then. But I thought it might be interesting to post some of my preconceptions about the place before I went, and the compare those preconceptions to the reality when I am back in a few days.

1. I picture lots of big slab sided grey tower blocks with fading paint and rusty balconies.

2. Lots of big grand statues and monuments.

3. Lots of old people about.

4. A slightly depressed vibe in the air.

5. Lots of wide open countryside with tended fields.

Most of these seem to be related to the look of the place I know. But I genuinely can't construct an idea in my head about how people will be, what the food will be like, etc... Part of me is thinking it'll be like Communist Russia, but I know that things have westernised since Germany re-unified.

I'll post again on Monday with pics and impressions. It'll be like Dom's Holiday Guide!!

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