Sunday, May 15, 2005

Radio Darth and Douglas Adams

It's 0605 on Sunday morning. It's a beautiful sunrise outside, I'm wallowing in smugness at having completed all of my jobs for the week-end yesterday (cut grass, bought new clothes, cleaned all of house properly) and am listening to Radio Darth. There's a link to Darth's site in the buttons on the left. In an effort to shamelessly plug his show I say 'GO and listen'. I don't get the chance to tune in so often, but it's always cool when I do. and this morning was somehow a perfect way to start the day. So thanks dude and I can't wait for the next show I can get to. It won't be for 3 weeks unfortunately due to other commitments, but ....

I'm also hugely excited about going to see the film Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, which I may very well get to see this week. And in homage I thought I'd jot down a couple of quotes and facts from the author of the book, Douglas Adams, who appears to be finally getting the recognition we all know he deserves for a fantastic book.

- On the Internet: 'It saves you a great deal of time which you waste by wandering about looking at loads of useless stuff.'
- Despite prolific output, he has cited an epic journey made to Madagascar to find a rare type of nocturnal lemur as 'the thing I am most proud of'.
- He wrote a computer game called Bureaucracy, based on a two year struggle to convince Barclays Bank t recognise his change of address.
- He was cremated along with his favourite towel in 2001.

And the best quote I have read of his:

'I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be...'

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