After the excitement of a night run through central-London last November I once again signed up for doing the Nike backed 10km run in London. This year there were 40,000 people running in three parks at the same time on a beautiful Sunday morning. It was the biggest running event in the UK, bigger even than the London Marathon. So it's kind of cool to be involved. And this year Nike plan on staging several 5km races throughout the rest of the year so I might try and do a couple of them. The theme is 'I will run for a year'.

Red is the new fluoro yellow for 2005! Last year we glowed in the dark like fireflies, this year we were a quite tasteful red. This is us all running alongside the lake in Hyde Park, central London.

The 'action shot'. Me at the 6.5km mark and still going strong. My plan for this year was to take it steadily for the first 7km and then slowly increase the pace. And then go for it over the last km or so. I stuck to the plan and ran the best race of my life I think. I ran the whole way, finished in 1hr 5mins and wasn't sick at all. And this came after no real training at all, so doubly chuffed really.
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