Oh, hell, can't hold back anymore......
Theresa and I found out a little while ago that she is pregnant and we went and had the scan at the end of last week. It is always a worry until the first scan but, thankfully, all is well and the doctor said the baby is really healthy and very active. And there is only one child. Which is good. Lol! Baby is due on June 8 2006 (at the moment). Mummy is doing very well, although a little more tired than before, and so far has not suffered much sickness or problems. We are both really, really chuffed and have found the whole experience so far quite overwhelming, and in a really good way. Our families are also over the moon about it, and it is really bringing both our families together in an amazing way.

I have to say that an event like this completely changes your perspective on things. It was a bit of a surprise for both of us, but a really good one as well. Now thoughts are turning to things such as 'I need to get a bigger car', 'the spare room will need to be decorated - pink or blue?', 'where the hell is all the baby stuff going to be stored', and so on. All fun though.
More news as it happens, but I just wanted to post something about this.
PS: I apologise in advance if I fall into the trap of going on and on about baby stuff, but what the hell. And if anyone out there has any advice I would welcome it.
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