I can't believe it's been nearly two weeks since my daughter arrived. Time is flying and she is changing everyday. We were warned that the first few days are a nightmare and we would get no sleep at all and stuff. But so far Megan has been great. She is feeding regularly, sleeping for up to five hours at a stretch (during the night) and not crying unless something is really wrong. Basically she is an angel through and through.
It's hard to work out what her character is, but she seems to be a tough cookie and is quite happy being picked up and taken outside. She has a fascinating range of expressions when she sleeps, including this impish smile pictured below. She's getting stronger by the minute and has already kicked me in the teeth a couple of times during some fraught nappy changes.

I've been trying to work out how I'm feeling about being a dad now. It's a life-changing event and one that I would recommend to anyone. I wasn't that up for having kids until a year or so ago, but now I can't imagine my life without Megan in it. I sit there with her in my arms and can't stop just looking at her with a big smile on my face. I feel she is already interacting a bit with me and we have this great little pulling game going on. I also sit there an wonder what she must be thinking. I know she can't see very well yet, but what must she think some of the blurred images she gets are? As adults we have all of these ideas ingrained as to what is good/bad, big/small, pretty/ugly. But as a child you won't have any of that (or would you?). It'd be fascinating being inside her head for a while. I think that fresh outlook and innocence would be so rejuvinating. and I'm looking forward to being around that innocence as she grows up in the coming days, months and years.

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