Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Tuesday afternoon

It's that time of the day and the week when I feel the need to muse on life, the world an everything. I've just toured a few blogs and found it incredibly therapeutic as ever. Some people make me laugh, others cry (metaphorically - boys don't cry obviously!!!), and others make me think. And I'm slipping into one of those moods at the moment. The only problem with settling into one of those moods is I feel a certain amount of pressure to come up with something creative, witty and profound. Not sure if that'll happen today, but you never know what is round the corner. The other problem with coming to my blog is I'm still really frustrated about not being able to customise it. If anybody is reading this who knows how then please help. : ) Grrrrrrr!!

Just been distracted by Lisa the PA and completely lost track of where i was going with this entry. So I'm going to stop. I'm having tomorrow off (hooray) and hopefully will be mucho refreshed by Thursday. Hopefully. So farewell dear diary for a couple of days.

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