Monday, January 31, 2005

Miserable Saturday/Better Sunday

It's still January so it must be time for Dom to be ill. Again. Woke up Saturday morning feeling really unwell. Then proceeded to be sick every 30 minutes for the next 6 hours. And it was the most violent being sick/trying to be sick I've ever experienced. So bad that it feels like I've done a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson. I've put my back out and it feels like I've broken a couple of ribs. I've never know anything like it! I've no idea what it was, but apparently there's some virus going round Germany at the moment. Similar to the virus that was going round the UK at the start of the month. And I caught them both! And all I could manage by the evening was a bit of apple and a glass of tea.

After an average night's sleep I woke up to a stunning day on Sunday. So mustered all of the energy I didn't have and went out for a walk. And it was one of those days that you feel good to be alive and it re-energises you. I took a couple of photos, but they cannot describe the feeling of walking around in beautiful countryside, under an incredible sky with wonderfully fresh, crisp air.

When I was travelling someone told me an expression 'hokkahay'. It's an American Indian word which means something like 'it's a beautiful day to die'. But is a positive and nice sense. And Sunday felt very much like that.


filthy cute! said...

Hi Dom!
I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well. It's a real bummer to feel so crappy. Rest and water are the biggest things to remember, but I'm sure you've been trying that already!?

Seattle had a couple of the great days you talked about over the last few weeks. Our weather here has been so good that the ski season has all gone to hell as there is no snow!?! And, as much as I would love to torture myself on the slopes a bit more . . . I can't help but love our good fortune in warmer weather.

Okay, well, best wishes on a speedy recovery!


Dom said...

Thank you for the nice comments. It's amazine how a few kind words can make a big difference.