Monday, March 14, 2005

I'm 30 today

So as I approach the end of my life I find myself reflecting on where I am at the moment. I put my back out a couple of days ago (badly enough that I need help putting my socks on and taking shoes off!), so I'm walking around like an invalid. I had a party at my house on Saturday and didn't know some of the music people were playing. I've just been given a blender for my birthday (which will be useful and healthy, but it seems old). I'm sure my breasts are beginning to sag. And I'm thinking very seriously about which lawnmower to buy for the garden.

Which all sounds like I'm depressed, but I've probably laughed more in the last couple of days than I have for weeks. Although laughing hurts like hell because of my back. I've never been that bothered about my age, and |I wasn't about turning 30 until recently. All of my "friends" have been inducing such paranoia in me about it that I do find myself thinking about it now.



Pep said...

Hey, I was in 'head in the oven' land when I turned 30.
Now I don't care!
I probably have more fun, go clubbing more, do more fun stuff, have more of a laugh than I ever did 8 years ago, and I feel 1000% better for it!!

In saying all of this, I've booked the kitchen for when I turn 40 !!


Pep said...

Oops, sorry.

D O M ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


darth said...

happy birthday, dom!

30? you youngster.

filthy cute! said...

FELIZ NAVIDAD! um, no, wait . . . j/k . . . FELIZ CUMPLEANOS! a pisces, huh? i don't know that i would have figured you for a pisces. but, i'll raise a glass for you sometime this week! i hope your back feels better. i know better than most how bad that can be. you get some rest . . . eat, drink, be merry! happy birthday dom!

Kyla said...

I flipped out when I turned 30 - but after a few years of wrestling with what it means to get older I have settled into it. I am now 36 and love getting older (with judicious use of exercise to battle gravity). I really like your blog - hope you will visit mine.