Tuesday, March 15, 2005

We have lift off!

After some teething troubles I am now officially connected to the outside world from my home. Yipeeee! I'm listening to streaming German dance radio (is better than it might sound), uploading to my Ipod, surfing the net, updating picture library and scooting around your blogs. AT THE SAME TIME!


filthy cute! said...

haha, what a busy little bee you are being! i'm still trying to wrap up this quarter at school. i've got a final on thursday. and, i'm currently sitting in the library hoping to be inspired. why-o-why didn't i start these papers moons ago??? i must say, i procrastinate like the best of them. i think it may be time for a double/triple shot *insert expensive starbucks drink name here* . . . and, i'm most def still going to HAWAII!!! i'd bring you back a horribly tacky touristy trinket, but i don't think i can blog/email it to you . . . haha, if i remember i'll take a photo of one and send it to you! okay, back to finding inspiration . . .

Pep said...

Excellent! Now you can blink at the screen for half an hour while blogger gets the comments page working.
And at broadband speed too!


Dom said...

c. Can you get me one of those plastic Hawaian dancing girls with a palm tree next to her? Preferably with tacky music playing when you press her head or something. :)