Thursday, June 16, 2005

Insane German office question of the day....

I sometimes ask myself why I bother getting out of bed.....


Dom: Hello
Editor in Munich: What is our policy on dogs in the office? I'm looking to employ a new magazine designer and she insists on bringing her dog to work.
D: Ummmm..... (am I about to have the piss taken out of me), I'll check.


D: What sort of dog? (female human, guide dog or pet?)
EiM: A Poodle
D: Not a Guide dog?
EiM: No
D: Then our policy is no animals in the office. They bite management.
EiM: Would it make a difference if it was a Guide dog?
D: Yes
EiM: Then we'll call it a Guide dog.
D: Quick question.
EiM: Yes?
D: This designer is 'officially' blind then?
EiM: Officially yes.
D: How is she going to design magazines if she's blind?
D: Goodnight.

Absiolutely true and I've retyped it word for word.

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