Sunday, December 02, 2012

Cinema trip

Meg at Gunwharf waterfront - Dec 2012

Joel and Theresa went to a birthday party today so Meg and I went to the cinema to watch Madagascar 3 together. It was a chance for us to have a bit of quality time together and it was really nice being out as father and daughter. We went into Gunwharf on one of the busiest Sundays of the year, but managed to get parked and into the film on time. She spent half of the film on my lap as the seats were a bit big for her and it struck me then that she is just a little girl really. I sometimes put too much expectation on her and I forget that she is only six years old. The film was good, Meg enjoyed the popcorn and snacks and we went for a quick walk along the waterfront afterwards. 

Meg in front of the Spinnaker Tower - Dec 2012
Despite both being tired at the end I think we did have a nice time and I would love to think we could do it again. Thank you Meg and sorry for snapping at you when we got home.


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