Thursday, November 04, 2004

American election

I'm not political, but I would like to add my voice to the everyone who believes Bush is a halfwit, and I'm gutted he somehow managed to get back in. Here's to 4 more years of death and destruction. At least he will probalbly do and say some really stupid things which will vaguely amuse.

While on the subject I watched Farenheit 9/11 over the week-end (purely coincidental I assure you - and I got out the last copy in Blockbusters! Go figure ..). And I thought it was rubbish. Totally one sided and actually didn't portray Bush that badly I reckon. Compared to what I was expecting at any rate. But that's a whole other discussion about perceptions and reality and all that.
I thought I liked Michael Moore after watching Bowling for Columbine, but I now realise I actually liked the Marilyn Manson interview in the film, and have decided to like the film as a result. Cool by association and all that. I now realise the error of my ways and have decided that Moore is just as big an oaf as Bush, but just less entertaining. And I'm annoyed that I'm giving the twat even more exposure by talking about him.


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