Wednesday, December 15, 2004

House update

Went and collected the keys to the new house yesteday which was very exciting. Went to the house and checked it all out and feels good to have it. It was a bit different to what I remember. A bit smaller. But a lot of things in life are, I've been told. Not unhappy with it though. At the moment it feels quite bare and cold. Much more so than I remember. But I think as soon as I move all of my stuff it will feel more cosy. It's good to be in there now.


filthy cute! said...

Congratulations on your house! Aren't things never quite as we remember them? I was just thinking that yesterday. I remember how my grandparent's house was so big and magical, and the older I got the smaller it seemed and it definitely lost its magic (or, maybe as part of growing up we lose our magic). But, the good part of everything is that life goes on . . . or, at least that's what I'm told. You'll move into your house and soon it'll be more than a house . . . it'll be "home." And, as I finish up my first quarter of this program at school, I can look forward to the rest and hope that they're better than this.

I was thinking about your wristband and how the first one is the one that's still there . . . isn't that like so many things in life? Anyways, I'm going to stop rambling here . . . be easy.


cedia said...

That is a very exciting and wonderful experience, every time when it happens. Congrats on your new home!