Wednesday, February 02, 2005

First impression of the Ipod

Pretty good ... with a couple of reservations. Nothing big, but ... It's not that technical really. I don't know what I was expecting, but it's just a hard drive with a speaker port at the end of the day. It's quite easy to search through and the sound is pretty clear though. And once I get a load more tunes on there it'll be even better. I will be able to have some music whatever my mood at the time. Without having to change CD's and bags and stuff. The only other complaint really is the bass which is really bad. I tried it with a decent pair of Sony earphones and it was awful. I then put in the Apple earphones and it was better. But still not particularly good. At the moment the drums and bass guitars on rock songs for example sound very tinny.

They're small complaints though and I think I will grow to love it. I'm going to go to the Apple shop today if I can and ask them about the bass thing. Maybe some different earphones will solve that, which is my main dissapointment.


Pep said...

Did you mess with the EQ functions? Setting.. EQ.. you can get dramatically different sounds depending on what you pick.


Dom said...

Tried that and clicked on bass booster. It did make a difference, but I think my CD Discman has a deeper sound. And maybe I shouldn't be comparing the Discman to the Ipod. I'm open to suggestions on what settings are best though.

Pep said...

I have a Monster cable to allow the iPod to connect to the surround sound system. I'd recommend that as your first addition.
Now, when that sub-woofer gets going.... the whole house bounces.. fanriffic!!!


naughtygirl said...

hmmm odnt know much about ipods. i had heard they are very cool though

David said...

I've screwed up my ears with walkmans years ago (mostly while going to school etc. ) so I keep away frmo anything that connects to earphones these days. Glad you like it though.

If I have to buy a Mac product it'll be an iBook or a Mac Mini. :-)