I was having a long chat last night with she who must be obeyed about the Internet. The conversation started with her saying 'I wouldn't miss TV if I didn't have one'. Which set the panic bells ringing in my head because I would. And I wasn't sure if I this was a loaded question and I was about to be set up. So I mumbled a bit and let the conversation continue. I said I enjoy TV (especially now I have a satelite system installed and have about 400 channels), but life would not end if I didn't have it. Turns out she was leading to seeing if we were going to go and stay in the mountains in Switzerland again this year. In a house with no TV and utter peace and quiet. (We probably will and I have no problem being away from TV for a while).
The conversation then turned somehow to the Net. I love technology and I think it totally enhances my life. Especially the Internet. And I would miss it a lot if I didn't have it. And if I think back to when I was at university (less than 10 years ago) the Net was crap. You could do stuff on it, but not that much. And we've made some amazing progress in 8 years - I wonder where it'll be in another 8 years. I can't really imagine what will be controllable online and what will be linked up, but you read about all this new stuff being developped and it sounds amazing. Almost like a science fiction film, but it seems a lot more possible today than even a couple of years ago.
But I digress. The conversation started me thinking about why I use the Internet and what I think about it. And this is kind of related to you guys I guess. I see it first of all as a great place to find stuff out, look stuff up and buy stuff conveniently. I can do all this when I want and how I want which is so good when your life is quite busy. I also think it is a tool that brings the world together really well (like now). If it wasn't for the Net I would never have met any of you lot. And I think my life would be the poorer for it. Even though we only know a little bit about each other and people can be whoever they want online. But so what?! Even if you only show one aspect of yourself does it really matter. (And I'm not suggesting any of you are not who you say you are by the way). But then I started thinking about the value of human contact in this context. I imagine it's unlikely that we'll ever meet in person, but does that mean our relationships are any the poorer for it? I don't think so. If I was in a bar talking to people would I be getting more from that conversation than I do from the comments? I guess the conversation and relationship would build quicker, but I don't think it would be any less meaningful. Like when I was away last week and you all left messages asking where I was. It gave me such a huge lift on Monday morning and I'm so grateful to you all for it.
And I think the Internet also allows me to feel like there's a bigger world out there. I've been lucky enough to travel a bit in my life and I love seeing new places and coming into contact with new people and experiences. And the Net allows you to surf around and get more of a global perspective on life. This opportunity was not really available a few years ago, but now that I have experienced it, it would be tough to give it up. I would feel quite closeted I think.
I think a lot of people don't like technology and say that it harms their quality of life. And mobile phones are often quoted as the worst of all evils (they can be I reckon, but that's another point). But I think it's because those people who complain don't really use things like the Net to improve their quality of life. If you haven't got the time or inclination to use it then don't. It won't make your life worse by not going near it. But if you take some time to set it up to help you then it can make life a lot easier. Having said that you can experiences life Misguided Fool, which are not good.
All of which doesn't really change the current status quo in the Stancombe household. But I wonder where we'll be in a years time.
This is officially my Blog Of The Day!
(ok, I don't actually have and official Blog Of The Day per se, but let's not get bogged down with detail, huh?) :)
The net is amazing, and I'm in total agreement. Would I have known such a fine chap as yourself using SneakerNet? Doubt it!
My job involves all of this new technology stuff, and let me tell you - the next five years are going to be outstanding!
I won't bore you with techno mumbo-jumbo, but consider easy/cheap home automation/security where even your bedsite lamp can have it's own email address, so you can switch on from anywhere. OK, silly example, but being away from home and having your house give you feedback is a great thought.
That's just one small aspect. Connected Systems is our next buzzphrase, not in the simple arena of apps running on a webpage, but apps interacting with each other, together, over the net.
(ok, I'm getting boring now)
Great post!
Thanks for the comments. I guess I'm a nerd, but quite an optimistic one for the future?! And I can't wait to see what's coming up in the next few years. Interacting with my bedside lamp will be so cool! :) I already enjoy talking to my answerphone from abroad. I think I'll stop now ...
great post dom..i've been thinking and blogging about this off and on for a while...and i think the key is really one of "opportunity"..the internet opens the door to new opportunities-how you decide to take advantage of this is of course, up to you. and there are good and bad aspects to anything related to new opportunities..its all what you make of it.
Darth - I think you've hit the nail on the head there.
awwww..tear. youre so sweet. i think we are all connected in our bl0g world. and so what that i havent met anybody i blog with. i love them all just the same. i think we should send an email to blogger to make like a big social event,and everyones gotta buy tickets and the money goes to charity. then we could all meet and feel really good about it.lol just a thought..
i agree.. the internet is wonderous... and without it, we'd all have to actually BUY our porn... no thank you sir!
did you ever have a pen pal when you were a kid? i did . . . i had a few . . . but, i only remember julie frances. she lived in florida. this is like a waaaaaay cooler version of pen paling . . . blogging. i don't think of the friends i've made through blogger as any less valuable because they are via the internet.
i really do think that the internet is what you make of it. i personally find it extremely valuable . . . my parents on the other hand continue to be baffled and therefore do not see the point of the internet. but, i would hate to know what the world would be like without it. it connects people . . . it connects ideas . . . it really promotes a global community.
am i making sense? maybe i should go back to sleep. :-) good to see that you seem to be getting back on your feet! ttyl dom! bye everyone!
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