Friday, March 04, 2005

Darth posting

Darth put this on his blog (link above) and I hope I'm not too late to join in!

'so you have 5 minutes to pack and meet at the dock for the boat that will take us to the deserted island for a weekend...besides a bathing suit, here is what you need to decide to bring:

1) One music CD i want to wake up listening to....
Bill Hicks - Dangerous. Because I think it's good to wake up and laugh in the morning. It starts your day off on a positive note. And Bill Hicks is cool!

2) One book i want to spend the lazy afternoons reading...
The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff. A bit of philosophy and reminders of childhood, all neatly and logically assembled in one little book.

3) One movie DVD i want to watch as the sun goes down...
10 Things I hate About You. Despite the title it is a comedy and for some reason my favourite film. Despite me not being a girl and it not containing guns, cars, planes or much swearing. And following on from question 1 I think it's good to end your day smiling as well.

4) One MP3 song *not* on the above CD i want to play (and sing along t0) endlessly on repeat...
I think Gun's n Roses - Sweet Child of Mine. I'm in a rock mood this week.

5) One snack food i want to eat, whenever i want, with no one making fun of me about it or telling you how many calories are in it..
Nuts chocolate bars. A bit like Snickers but nicer. And not available in the Uk so I have to gorge myself on them whenever I travel to Europe.


darth said...

dom! damn..i wish i'd thought of a non music cd..bill hicks was a fucking genius...and i'm starting to think europeans have better snack choices than we do here in the

Dom said...

Better? Not sure. Smaller though, which would not be a good thing in this case!

And I can't beleive it's over 11 years since Bill Hicks died. It's good to find another person who knows his work though.