Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Long overdue update

Finally I have a few moments to spare so I thought it was high time for an update. How have you all been? I'm going to pop by all your blogs today and see what adventures you're been having, but I hope you're all well.

I haven't been as you might have gathered. It seems that I might have caught the 'flu (the real one, not a cold) in early January and I've never completely got rid of it. So my immune system is completely shot at the moment and means I am catching everything that is going around. I'm still not rid of it yet, but I am trying to get some antibiotics to kill it once and for all. I had all sorts of thoughts last week when I was lying in bed - have I got some incurable disease? Why am I constantly ill? Am I dying? Hopefully there'll be warmer weather on the way soon which I hope will help as well. There's so much cold and damp in Europe at the moment that it's not helping.

But enough of that depressing stuff! Good news is that I completed on my flat sale last Friday. That means I've handed over the keys, got the money and am out of the place completely. It's taken over 6 months to get to this stage which is ridiculous, but at least it has happened. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can now start to look forward and sort some house things out. One of the first things I've done is get a computer for home which will make life a lot easier. I don't have to try and fit in things like blogging around work for example. I can also try and be a bit more creative with online stuff so watch this space!

More updates and stuff later.


naughtygirl said...

hey dom im so glad youre all better. and im happy bout selling your house, do you already have a place to go? yay on the comp thing!!lol

Pep said...

It's good to see you back again.

Hey, don't go near anymore Vietnamese chickens!!!


cedia said...

Nuke the illness!