Tuesday, April 05, 2005

No posting

I don't know if anyone else has been finding this, but I've been unable to post for the last few days. I try, but it just seems to hang for ages and nothing happens. I won't criticise Blogger because it is a useful tool, but please ...

What a week it's been. The Pope has died which is a shame. I'm not religious, but I think he did some good, and seemed a cool enough guy. Wonder who will follow him? Maybe it's time for the first black Pope since 496 AD?

And our potential future king, Charles, is marrying a horse on Saturday. Which everyone else seems to have aview on except me. I think she's a bit rough, but have no opinion on if they should marry or not. At least they're too old to breed.

Hope you're all well. Apologies for my absence. I'll show you what I've been up to if Blogger let's me post some pics.

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