Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Tagged by Darth

When you're having a ahitty day, you surf around a bit and find a friend to cheer you. Thanks Darth...

Total volume of music files on my computer?
on this mac...18.92Gb

The last CD I bought was:
Bill Hicks - Relentless (to complete the collection)

Song playing right now:
Foo Fighters - Best of You (thanks to darth playing it on Saturday)

Five songs I listen to a lot or that mean a lot to me(in no particular order):
These are what I'm listening to at the moment
Breathe - Blue - beautiful song with lots of meaning
Evil Scotsman - Billy Connolly - makes me laugh hugely
Best of you - Foo Fighters - newly discovered and rocks
Just Lose It - Eminem - also makes me laugh
La Onde - Ludovico Einaudi - the best composer in the world and his piece de resistance

Which 5 people are you passing this baton to, and why?
Yossarian - because he has an interesting Ipod collection
Terri - because she likes what I like
C - because I have no idea what you like
Cedia - because it's about time I tagged her
Val - becasue I'd like to hear from her

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