A friend and I have been doing quite a lot of work in the garden and the house recently, and here are some of the results of our efforts. For a while there has been a little something missing from the place. Nothing really big, or really bad, but just ... something not quite .... there. It took a while to get my head round what it was. And then I had an epiphany - life was missing from the house. Living alone it can be very easy to miss the obvious things. So my friend and I went searching and shopping and started to add the finishing touches.
It's incredible what a few plants can add to a place. I guess it's probably like a cat or something - there's a tranquility and vivacity that decends on the place. You enter a room and feel the power of living things in the room with you. as the wind gently blows through you can hear the swish of leaves. When it rains you can smell the grass and the flowers. And such a relatively small thing transforms your karma.
I hope the pics bring you some kind of sense of the peace they bring me.
Above is a Fern with some glass stones in water. When the sun shines through into the lounge in the evenings it makes the most fantastic moving light image on the walls.

Here is a collage of some of the flowers in the garden. It's great to come home from a tough day and see so much colour around. Some are Petunias, others I'm not so sure. I take the view that I don't need to name them to appreciate what they are. and for how they make me feel ...

The patio needed brightening up a bit. sitting outside in the evenings it's great having some colour in the garden, but it's also nice to have some smaller plants all around you. One of these is a herb pot which is regularly cultivated and added to my food. The otjers are a Bamboo which I'm going to enjoy watching growing. I love the sound Bamboo in the wind makes. And a mixture of Ivy and small patio plants. The colours work so well together.

I have no idea what these plants are, but they are pretty mad. Curly Love and Space Flowers I call them. Somehow I smile each time I see them. and they seem to fit together very well.
And finally here is the white Lilly. One of the most beautiful flowers.

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