I have been blogging for one year now. How time flies when you are having fun. and as with all birthdays it is a good time for reflection. It has been quite a momentous year outside of the computer. I've moved house, a hugely destructive tsunami hit Asia, Pope died and was replaced, Michael Jackson inexplicably found not guilty, London winning the Olympics bid for 2012, one of the wierdest hot/cold Summers on record, London being attacked by suicide bombers, new girlfriend.
And in blog world it's been a ride as well. It all began when I bought a digital camera and I wanted a place online to store the photos. I was bored one day while sitting in my office in Germany and googled looking for something to use. Found Blogger. Went from there! It rapidly became a sort of online journal. Initially recording what I did and where I went, and then it became a means to air problems, thoughts and views. At around the same time I met a very varied group of individuals online who I'd like to think have become friends. At times you guys have lifted me when I've been down, made me laugh when I've been sad and made me question lots of different things. And I want to pay respect to that and thank you for it.
Blogging has also given me the impetus to learn some html and has brought me in contact with a wide range of sites and thoughts online. It has arguably also kind of been the catalyst for my current relationship (but more about that some other time).
I've no idea wher the blog is going to go in the next year(s), but I hope the ride gets bigger and better. I'm raising a virtual glass to you all and wishing myself a happy birthday!!
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