Thursday, September 22, 2005

A tagged list from Paul

Thank you to Yossarian for tagging me ... and for giving me the opportunity to talk about myself some more. Lol!! Click on the title for Paul's list.

10 years ago
I was starting my second year of university in North Wales. Not overawed at all and determined to have some fun this year rather than just working. Moved in with some friends who I'm still mates with. Had just come back from a trans-European trip which took in 12 countries in 10 days with my friend Paul (who incidentally tagged me for this).

5 years ago
Moved to London and started my career in Publishing as a journalist covering motorsport. Was having a real struggle in my head trying to decide if that was what I wanted to do or not. Racing was my hobby and my job and I did not have a life outside of the sport. But I wanted one... Found the capital quite overwhelming. (Now consider it my home - how things change.)

1 Year Ago
Bought my second property in London and was hugely happy to be leaving my old flat. It served it's purpose, but it's a measure of how I never settled that I do not really even think about it now. Was travelling to Germany on a weekly basis and getting roundly sick of being anywhere near a plane or airport.

Flew back from Munich. Feltshit, but was upgraded to business class so had a good lunch and some nice champagne. Didn't get rid of my head cold, but made me feel special! Then went to B&Q to buy a coat hook and came back with plants, hooks, compost, fire alarm, food, picture frame, ...

Am back in the prehistoric hell-hole that is my current office. It is 29 Celcius, I am sweating, snivelling and generally unhappy. Finished Harry Potter finally and thoroughly enjoyed it. Am looking forward to going home, sitting in the garden and having a Gin, Coke and Lime as the sun goes down.

Friday thank goodness. Only one more week until I go to Barcelona and that thought is keeping me going. Have to start prepapring for the annual London to Brighton Smart car run which is this Sunday. Hopefully it will be even better than last year. Want to clean Lolita. Am so old ....

5 songs I know the words to:
1. Have a Nice Day – Bon Jovi
2. Boys of Summer – Don Henley
3. Like a Prayer – Madonna
4. YMCA - (can't remember group)
5. Hysteria - Def Leppard

5 snacks:
1. Apple
2. Belgian chocolate
3. Yoghurts
4. Pork Pie
5. Cheese

5 things I would do with $100 million:
1. Buy several cars
2. Design a house to put them (and me) in
3. Explore the world
4. Make sure my friends were comfortable
5. Launch a magazine company

5 places I would run away to:
1. Australia
2. Fiji
3. Spain
4. Mauritius
5. Masai Mara Game Reserve

5 things I would never wear:
1. Stilletos
2. Socks with sandals
3. Bling jewelery
4. Ties unless I have to
5. Football shirt

5 favourite tv shows (I don’t watch much TV, but . . .)
1. Battlestar Galactica
2. Lost
3. A place in the Sun
4. Have I Got News For you
5. V8 Supercar racing from Oz

5 joys:
1. Sunrise
2. Sunset
3. Dining with friends
4. Exploring with my girlfriend
5. Chilling on the sofa in the evenings

5 bad habits:
1. Being short tempered when I'm tired
2. Giving people silent treatment when I'm annoyed
3. Low bullshit tolerance
4. Like to keep things (too) neat
5. Sarcasm

5 things I like doing:
1. Walking in countryside
2. Playing on computer
3. Driving
4. Exploring
5. Sitting on beach listening to the sea

5 Movies I like:
1. Lord of the Rings trilogy
2. 10 Things I Hate About You
3. Taxi (French version)
4. Battlestar Galactica
5. Love Actually

5 famous people Id like to meet:
1. Ayrton Senna
2. Bill Hicks
3. Julia Stiles
4. Ludovico Einaudi
5. Jerry Bruckheimer

5 favourite toys
1. My car
2. My computer
3. Sky + satelite system
4. I-pod
5. Playstation

I tag Dale, C, Pep and Jerzee to pick this up and run with it.

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