This afternoon I will be going properly to East Germany for the first time. I went through it on the train in 1995 on the way to Prague, but only glimpsed a little. I'd had a busy time in Berlin before and was popped. And East Germany had no particular significance to me then. But I thought it might be interesting to post some of my preconceptions about the place before I went, and the compare those preconceptions to the reality when I am back in a few days.
1. I picture lots of big slab sided grey tower blocks with fading paint and rusty balconies.
2. Lots of big grand statues and monuments.
3. Lots of old people about.
4. A slightly depressed vibe in the air.
5. Lots of wide open countryside with tended fields.
Most of these seem to be related to the look of the place I know. But I genuinely can't construct an idea in my head about how people will be, what the food will be like, etc... Part of me is thinking it'll be like Communist Russia, but I know that things have westernised since Germany re-unified.
I'll post again on Monday with pics and impressions. It'll be like Dom's Holiday Guide!!
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Borrowed from Misguided
Misguided - the source of current creative things has come up with another list. Although it might have come from someone else before.... (plagerism is the highest form of flattery!)
01. Take the book that is closest to you, open it in page 18, what does line 4 says?
Miss May can't wait that long for... (from FHM)
02. Extend your left arm all you can. What’s the first thing you can touch?
My colleague Bettina (but would rather not)
03. What was the last thing you watched on TV?
Latest round of British Superbike Championship
04. Without looking, try to guess what time it is.
05. Now look at the clock, what time is it?
14.37 (am hoping work day will be over sooner)
06. Besides your computer, what can you hear?
Some German radio station. Kind of drowns out everything including any thoughts.
07. When was the last time you walked on the street?
An hour ago.
08. Before coming to this page, what site were you visiting?
Misguided Fool's blog
09. What are you wearing?
Blue T-shirt, denim jeans, bike boots
10. Did you dream last night?
Yes, and it was nice.
11. When was the last time you laughed?
This morning on the phone to a friend.
12. What’s on the walls on the room where you are?
Calendars, lots of accountancy records and a picture of a baby monkey tucked up in bed.
13. Have you seen something weird lately?
See 12.
14. What do you think of this test?
Is a fascinating study of introspection.
15. What was the last movie you saw?
The Italian Job (new version)
16. If you became a multi-millionaire tonight, what would you buy first?
A house in Barcelona
17. Tell me something I don’t know about you. Be sincere:
I am a qualified Aromatherapist and Reflexologist
18. If you could change something in the world, that wasn’t politics related, what would it be?
I would make all of the complicated things not complicated anymore
19. Do you like to dance?
Yes, slowly and intimately
20. George Bush:
Simpleton with dangerous amounts of power.
21.a. Imagine your first kid its a girl. What would you name her?
Keeleigh or Manon
21.b. Imagine your first kid its a boy. What would you name him?
No idea.
22. Have you ever thought of migrating to another country?
23. What language would you like to learn how to speak fluently?
24. Name the top 3 TV shows you like the most right now:
Star Trek Enterprise
American Chopper
25. Say something profound:
It's better to live with the consequences than with regret. (sounds better in French)
01. Take the book that is closest to you, open it in page 18, what does line 4 says?
Miss May can't wait that long for... (from FHM)
02. Extend your left arm all you can. What’s the first thing you can touch?
My colleague Bettina (but would rather not)
03. What was the last thing you watched on TV?
Latest round of British Superbike Championship
04. Without looking, try to guess what time it is.
05. Now look at the clock, what time is it?
14.37 (am hoping work day will be over sooner)
06. Besides your computer, what can you hear?
Some German radio station. Kind of drowns out everything including any thoughts.
07. When was the last time you walked on the street?
An hour ago.
08. Before coming to this page, what site were you visiting?
Misguided Fool's blog
09. What are you wearing?
Blue T-shirt, denim jeans, bike boots
10. Did you dream last night?
Yes, and it was nice.
11. When was the last time you laughed?
This morning on the phone to a friend.
12. What’s on the walls on the room where you are?
Calendars, lots of accountancy records and a picture of a baby monkey tucked up in bed.
13. Have you seen something weird lately?
See 12.
14. What do you think of this test?
Is a fascinating study of introspection.
15. What was the last movie you saw?
The Italian Job (new version)
16. If you became a multi-millionaire tonight, what would you buy first?
A house in Barcelona
17. Tell me something I don’t know about you. Be sincere:
I am a qualified Aromatherapist and Reflexologist
18. If you could change something in the world, that wasn’t politics related, what would it be?
I would make all of the complicated things not complicated anymore
19. Do you like to dance?
Yes, slowly and intimately
20. George Bush:
Simpleton with dangerous amounts of power.
21.a. Imagine your first kid its a girl. What would you name her?
Keeleigh or Manon
21.b. Imagine your first kid its a boy. What would you name him?
No idea.
22. Have you ever thought of migrating to another country?
23. What language would you like to learn how to speak fluently?
24. Name the top 3 TV shows you like the most right now:
Star Trek Enterprise
American Chopper
25. Say something profound:
It's better to live with the consequences than with regret. (sounds better in French)
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
The garden ....
I spent far too much of the time this week-end in the garden trying to sort the bloody thing out. Having totally ignored it since I moved in (December) everything has grown a bit. Well, actually everything has grown a lot! And I've been putting off 'sorting' it for as long as possible, but finally it caught up with me.
So all the weeding was done, patio and drive were sprayed with weed killer, and the pace was generally swept up. And then came the lawn. The grass seems to be lots of different types (is this normal?) and most of the types don't seem to like being cut! I strimmed (is that a word?) the whole thing twice which killed me. And then mowed it the next day. Which made very sure I was dead. And it looks better, but not great. I'm resigned to the fact that I will probably have to mow it again this week!
Don't get me wrong - I love gardens. I have a deep interest in grass and am fond of flowers. I am so looking forward to sitting on the patio in the evenings, with a nice gin and coke in my hand, watching the sun go down. I'm also not afraid of hard work, but somehow gardening hasn't clicked with me. I guess when the grass is brought under control a 10 minute mow might be acceptable. But I am seriously considering a gardener!
Or, my friend Yossarian has created an amazing Japanese garden at his house, and this also appeals. I have a deep interest in the Taoists principles and this would be a place of calm, meditation and reflection. Creating that sort of area would be incredibly intense, but would also require total commitment and focus. Which is so therapeutic sometimes. And the result might be even better than sitting on the patio with a cocktail in my hand...
So all the weeding was done, patio and drive were sprayed with weed killer, and the pace was generally swept up. And then came the lawn. The grass seems to be lots of different types (is this normal?) and most of the types don't seem to like being cut! I strimmed (is that a word?) the whole thing twice which killed me. And then mowed it the next day. Which made very sure I was dead. And it looks better, but not great. I'm resigned to the fact that I will probably have to mow it again this week!
Don't get me wrong - I love gardens. I have a deep interest in grass and am fond of flowers. I am so looking forward to sitting on the patio in the evenings, with a nice gin and coke in my hand, watching the sun go down. I'm also not afraid of hard work, but somehow gardening hasn't clicked with me. I guess when the grass is brought under control a 10 minute mow might be acceptable. But I am seriously considering a gardener!
Or, my friend Yossarian has created an amazing Japanese garden at his house, and this also appeals. I have a deep interest in the Taoists principles and this would be a place of calm, meditation and reflection. Creating that sort of area would be incredibly intense, but would also require total commitment and focus. Which is so therapeutic sometimes. And the result might be even better than sitting on the patio with a cocktail in my hand...
Saturday, April 23, 2005
What country are you?

Thanks to Misguided for finding this. What country are you?
You're Fiji!
As calm, relaxed, and removed from life as they come, you're just so
chilled out, it hurts people to see you. Everyone aspires to be where you are, but most of them just can't put their stress away. Little do they know that even you sometimes have inner turmoil and struggles! For the most part, though, it's sun and fun for you, and that's the way you like it. It's just sort of hard to get things done with all that partying.
St Georges Day

Every country has a national day. and April 23rd is the English one - St Georges Day. Named after a knight in shining armour who killed a dragon a few years ago. Not sure what the connection is to England other than we didn't have a national saint at the time, and the English do love an underdog who triumphs!
Here, in honour of this fact, I'm wearing the colours of the English Rugby team. No dragons or knights in sight, but an Enslih red rose is the symbol. And it's the only vaguely nationalistic clothing I own.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
A new friends blog
I've been working on a blog with a friend for the last few days. It's linked above or as 'Terri' on my links buttons. It's just starting up, but has potential. Maybe you could pop by and leave a pin on her guestmap. She's a fantastic artist as well and I'm trying to persuade her to put some of her work on her blog...
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
When I open my eyes ...

I came across the blog that is linked above and found it an intriguing idea. What do you see when you first open your eyes? I guess for most people it'll be the bedroom, but what exactly in the bedroom? Or do you have a great view from the window? For some reason i seem to always focus on this light first. Never figured out why. Or if there is even any mystical significance like 'I am looking to light' or anything like that. What is your first conscious sight in the morning?
Sunday, April 17, 2005
London Marathon 2005

This week-end was the 25th London marathon. The above picture was my friend Aaron and I at the end of the 2003 edition. Our first marathon. and run in very similar conditions that year to this time round. This post is dedicated to everyone who ran in 2005. You are all heroes and just lining up at the start gives you entry to a very elite group. And whether you just take part or finish no-one will ever be able to take the achievement away from you. And it means you have nothing to prove to anyone again. Ever. There's one of those No Fear adverts which says 'Either you ran today, or you didn't'. Everyone who lines up on the start line can think of that, say it and be proud.
And I would say to anyone who has never done anything like this, give it a shot. It doesn't matter if you run or not (I don't really), something like this is amazing to be part of, and is something you will carry with you for the rest of your lives. As you can see from Aaron and my faces in the pic. We are both dog tired, but so proud. I can even forgive myself the 'good' idea to bleach my hait and stick some face paint on!
Thursday, April 14, 2005
I love you all
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Apologies for absence
I just want to tell you all that i haven't forgotten about any of you and I do check in on you when I get the chance. Things are ridiculously busy at the moment and I just haven't had the chance to jump on the computer and get myself properly organised. I have been involved in a couple of things which are taking hours. Work is going Ok, but starting to get tired of all the shit. And it's eating into my precious blogging time! And if being shit seems to make everything happen 10 times slower and require 10 times more effort from me to get it done. Added to which my boss has come back from being abroad for a while and is hovering round the office like a Gnat. Not causing any major damage, but just being extremely irritating. Want to swat him, but he's bigger than me.
Even things like my photography have been neglected recently. Although now Spring is making a concerted effort to appear I hopefully be finding some of those magical flower photos that I want to practice. Am eyeing up a particularly nice set of Daffodils on the Common near my house.
This is probably not the most inspired post ever, but I am conscious that I haven't been on enough recently. Was just sitting here and thinking. 'What to write about?' There are a few things going on which may come out in time, but can't really talk about them at the moment. So I find myself just saying hello. And saying that you are all out of sight (temporarily), but definitely not out of mind.
Even things like my photography have been neglected recently. Although now Spring is making a concerted effort to appear I hopefully be finding some of those magical flower photos that I want to practice. Am eyeing up a particularly nice set of Daffodils on the Common near my house.
This is probably not the most inspired post ever, but I am conscious that I haven't been on enough recently. Was just sitting here and thinking. 'What to write about?' There are a few things going on which may come out in time, but can't really talk about them at the moment. So I find myself just saying hello. And saying that you are all out of sight (temporarily), but definitely not out of mind.
Friday, April 08, 2005
Weight of opinion is Blair is a liar
I discovered today that if you type 'liar'into Google one of the top hits is the Tony Blair autobiography.
Which is ammusing.
Which is ammusing.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Election watch
It was announced today that we will be having a general election on May 5 in the UK. where we get to elect a new government for the next 5 years. I'm not going to have a particular rant about politics or voting. At least not yet. Save to say that I do feel privileged to have the vote because I know much of the world does not have it. I also believe that I have the right not to vote if I choose. But if I choose not to vote then I have not right to complain about politicians or what they do because I have chosen not to participate in their election.
I do have a problem with many of the politicians though. The desire for power should automatically preclude you from ever getting it. Unfortunately a system hasn't been established that stops the buggers from getting into power and messing things up. Also I feel that if i would not want to have a drink with them then they are not deserving of my vote/support.
So in the spirit of how I feel about the next four weeks of bollocks and lying to get into power (otherwise known as the election campaign) I will be monitoring the amount of junk mail I get through the letterbox. Ie. which party is so desperate to get into power that they are prepared to chew up the planet producing leaflets and other landfill. I will keep track of it via a vote caster, where each party gets one vote for each piece of junk I get through the door. As a reference I will also monitor the number of pizza "restaurant" leaflets I also get. For some reason we seem to have more of these places in my area than you find in Rome!
I'm not sure what I'll do with the results, but it might be interesting. Equally it might not. But we'll see ...
I do have a problem with many of the politicians though. The desire for power should automatically preclude you from ever getting it. Unfortunately a system hasn't been established that stops the buggers from getting into power and messing things up. Also I feel that if i would not want to have a drink with them then they are not deserving of my vote/support.
So in the spirit of how I feel about the next four weeks of bollocks and lying to get into power (otherwise known as the election campaign) I will be monitoring the amount of junk mail I get through the letterbox. Ie. which party is so desperate to get into power that they are prepared to chew up the planet producing leaflets and other landfill. I will keep track of it via a vote caster, where each party gets one vote for each piece of junk I get through the door. As a reference I will also monitor the number of pizza "restaurant" leaflets I also get. For some reason we seem to have more of these places in my area than you find in Rome!
I'm not sure what I'll do with the results, but it might be interesting. Equally it might not. But we'll see ...
No posting
I don't know if anyone else has been finding this, but I've been unable to post for the last few days. I try, but it just seems to hang for ages and nothing happens. I won't criticise Blogger because it is a useful tool, but please ...
What a week it's been. The Pope has died which is a shame. I'm not religious, but I think he did some good, and seemed a cool enough guy. Wonder who will follow him? Maybe it's time for the first black Pope since 496 AD?
And our potential future king, Charles, is marrying a horse on Saturday. Which everyone else seems to have aview on except me. I think she's a bit rough, but have no opinion on if they should marry or not. At least they're too old to breed.
Hope you're all well. Apologies for my absence. I'll show you what I've been up to if Blogger let's me post some pics.
What a week it's been. The Pope has died which is a shame. I'm not religious, but I think he did some good, and seemed a cool enough guy. Wonder who will follow him? Maybe it's time for the first black Pope since 496 AD?
And our potential future king, Charles, is marrying a horse on Saturday. Which everyone else seems to have aview on except me. I think she's a bit rough, but have no opinion on if they should marry or not. At least they're too old to breed.
Hope you're all well. Apologies for my absence. I'll show you what I've been up to if Blogger let's me post some pics.
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