I know it's a couple of days early, but I'm going to be offline pretty much until early January now. So a very happy New Year to anyone who passes by here. I hope you have a great evening and all of your wishes for 2005 come true.
Dom x
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Boxing Day 2004
Did the whole family thing today which was actually nice. I always look forward to these sort of events with a mixture of trepidation and anticipation. I like catching up with grandparents and cousins, but sometimes feel that being with them is taking me away from time by myself. I know that's quite selfish, but I don't get that much downtime any more so Dom time is pretty precious. Hving sai that today was nice although I think that extra piece of cake was probably a bit too ambitious.
And now I'm heading back to London tomorrow to see if the house is still there. Then off to Munich for what could be a pretty important and no little stressful trip. Am meeting the parents of Janet for the first time. I don't know what they think about their daughter going out with a foreigner or what they think about her coming to live with me next year (probably). Also Janet has a sometimes stormy relationship with her mum, they don't speak any English, my German is limited and we're going to be all alone together in a chalet in the Bavarian mountains. We're going cross-country skiing (which I've never done) and her parents are very fit mountain walkers (and I'm not). So the potential for hick-ups here is LARGE.
I want to make the right impression and going in with my usual 'take me as I am or don't take me at all' attitude may not be the right way to go. This time. It works fine with suppliers that have to like me whatever they really think, but with the parents of an only child it may not work. What do I wear, do I bring them a gift, do I be friendly or shy? Shit, just had a thought. What do they think about Janet and I sleeping together??? Only child, beautiful daughter, older man!?! I think I'm working myself up into a bit of a stressed-Eric over this. I'm telling myself just be cool and be yourself. But what is me really?
So wish me luck on this one. I think I'm more nervous about this than I've been about meeting any partner's parents before. I think it's because there's potentially a lot riding on this, and we could be seeing each other for many years to come. I guess I want their blessing to take this relationship between Janet and I forward.
And now I'm heading back to London tomorrow to see if the house is still there. Then off to Munich for what could be a pretty important and no little stressful trip. Am meeting the parents of Janet for the first time. I don't know what they think about their daughter going out with a foreigner or what they think about her coming to live with me next year (probably). Also Janet has a sometimes stormy relationship with her mum, they don't speak any English, my German is limited and we're going to be all alone together in a chalet in the Bavarian mountains. We're going cross-country skiing (which I've never done) and her parents are very fit mountain walkers (and I'm not). So the potential for hick-ups here is LARGE.
I want to make the right impression and going in with my usual 'take me as I am or don't take me at all' attitude may not be the right way to go. This time. It works fine with suppliers that have to like me whatever they really think, but with the parents of an only child it may not work. What do I wear, do I bring them a gift, do I be friendly or shy? Shit, just had a thought. What do they think about Janet and I sleeping together??? Only child, beautiful daughter, older man!?! I think I'm working myself up into a bit of a stressed-Eric over this. I'm telling myself just be cool and be yourself. But what is me really?
So wish me luck on this one. I think I'm more nervous about this than I've been about meeting any partner's parents before. I think it's because there's potentially a lot riding on this, and we could be seeing each other for many years to come. I guess I want their blessing to take this relationship between Janet and I forward.
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Christmas Day at home
We had snow today! It didn't settle, but it was quite wicked anyway. I'll go now though and make like I had a really busy Christmas Day.
A Christmas sky
I thougt this cloud formation was quite interesting. I bought dad a home weather station for Christmas, which tells you more than you'll ever need to know about the current weather. And it has pretty pictures of clouds on the control box screen. So I'll no doubt be hearing more about clouds and the like in the next weeks and months.
Friday, December 24, 2004
Happy Christmas everyone
I would just like to take the time to wish everyone who passes by here a Merry Christmas.
Christmas Eve 2004
It's nearly Christmas and I am back in Shipham at mum and dad's. I used to call Shipham 'home', but I think my new house is home now really. My previous flat never really was for some reason. It feels lovely to back in the countryside. I woke up this morning to gentle winter sun streaming through the window and a gloriously crisp day. It rained a lot last night so the air is nice and clean and clear. It doesn't look like we'll get any snow, but that doesn't really matter.
I'm not really sure how I'm feeling at the moment. It hasn't really sunk in that I am on holiday now. I got a work call this morning so I guess that proves I can never really get away, but I associate Shipham with peace so I think it will definitely help to be here.
I'm not really sure how I'm feeling at the moment. It hasn't really sunk in that I am on holiday now. I got a work call this morning so I guess that proves I can never really get away, but I associate Shipham with peace so I think it will definitely help to be here.
Alone and online
It's Christmas Eve and I've done all my shopping. I've been speeding around getting little jobs done (fixing headlight on my Smartie, wrapping presents, putting presents under tree, feeling presents trying to guess what everyone is getting, etc..) and I find myself with nothing to do. As someone who is nearly always rushing around this is strange. I feel almost naked really. I can't upload any pictures due to technical reasons and I don't want to just write huge long rants about things because I don't have any particular issues with anything or anyone today (it is Christmas). The last thing has set me thinking though. I sometimes feel the pressure to write huge philosophy and deep meditative thoughts, but sometimes have to force that thinking out. And forcing that out undermines the essence of the purity of philosophy. So I then think 'go with the flow and see what results'. Which is healthier and purer, but I'm not sure how interesting. And now I get to this point in the post and feel I just say something insightful and profound. But nothing springs to mind.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
House update (final)
Moved into the new house on Monday and everything went exceptionally well. Was in, unpacked and sitting in my lounge by mid-afternoon. I was thinking of posting saying I will never move again, but actually it went OK. So I probably will in the future (move again). It took a bit of time to get used to the house, but it has dramatically improved my quality of life already. Small things which many people take for granted like central heating - I haven't had it for 4 years. It was never a problem because the flat never got that cold, but I had to actually get up and do something to create warmth. Now it comes on automatically 30 minutes before I get up. The quiet - I used to live on a main road which was quite noisy. It was like a steady background hum which I got used to, but now the road is so quiet. It actually woke me up on my first night because it was so quiet. It's wonderful though. Having a washing machine/dryer - no more laundrettes for Dom! And I'm sure there will be other things which I will notice soon, but these have got me so excited I can't concentrate on anything else.
I feel strangely un-emotional about leaving the flat as well. I put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into the place, and never really had any problems in the area. A lt of people have come and gone and a lot has happened in the flat as well. But as I left on Monday morning I didn't even really look back. Maybe it will be different when the sale completes. I think it suggests that the house is definitely the way to go.
Unfortunately I came back to find chaos in the office. Coupled with this being silly social season I haven't had time to do much personal stuff. I have discovered a couple of nice restaurants though so it wasn't a wasted week by any means.
I feel strangely un-emotional about leaving the flat as well. I put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into the place, and never really had any problems in the area. A lt of people have come and gone and a lot has happened in the flat as well. But as I left on Monday morning I didn't even really look back. Maybe it will be different when the sale completes. I think it suggests that the house is definitely the way to go.
Unfortunately I came back to find chaos in the office. Coupled with this being silly social season I haven't had time to do much personal stuff. I have discovered a couple of nice restaurants though so it wasn't a wasted week by any means.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
New haircut
Got a new haircut today. Decided to try something a bit new which will involve me putting soft wax in my hair and 'messing it up' (to quote James the hairdresser - nice guy, young). Not sure about this, but I do tell everyone that I'm up for trying anything so best stick with this I guess. Just have to be careful that I don't touch anything with my head .... because I'll stick to it! Photo on the way once I've found my ideal 'messed up' style.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
House update
Went and collected the keys to the new house yesteday which was very exciting. Went to the house and checked it all out and feels good to have it. It was a bit different to what I remember. A bit smaller. But a lot of things in life are, I've been told. Not unhappy with it though. At the moment it feels quite bare and cold. Much more so than I remember. But I think as soon as I move all of my stuff it will feel more cosy. It's good to be in there now.
Tragic news when my final non-metallic wristband broke. I have had many over the years and find them quite comforting and grounding. I tend to pick them up when I travel and I've found that it takes me back to when I'm away. Somehow they give me a sense of perspective if I'm stressed, or lost.
I've always been pretty philosophical about having them on my wrist and not trying to protect them overly from damage or anything. And when the straps on them break then I dispose of them. I look on it as a natural order of things. But now I just have the metal wristband I got in Zimbabwe left. Ironically it was the first wrist band I ever put on.
I've always been pretty philosophical about having them on my wrist and not trying to protect them overly from damage or anything. And when the straps on them break then I dispose of them. I look on it as a natural order of things. But now I just have the metal wristband I got in Zimbabwe left. Ironically it was the first wrist band I ever put on.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Fact of the day
Apparently 4 bottles of Johnnie Walker Whisky are consumed every second worldwide. Hope it's the blue label.
Out with the girls last night
Went to dinner with the girls last night. Somehow the conversation turned to me buying a ring for Janet (?). Discovered that diamonds are definitely a girls best friend, and I should buy a stand alone diamond and then have it set in a ring after giving it to her. And I have to go with the girls to buy this ring/diamond. Which is lovely and really sweet and I will definitely take them up on the offer (for offer read strong suggestion!). So I'd better start saving now because this is going to hurt ...
Not that I'm going to propose to Janet or anything. Not yet anyway. Let's see how the co-habitation thing works out first.
Not that I'm going to propose to Janet or anything. Not yet anyway. Let's see how the co-habitation thing works out first.
A significant day
I've completed on my new house. I'm going to collect the keys this afternoon and I'm very happy about it. When I was told that everything had gone through yesterday I was happy, but mainly just pleased that the hassle was over.
I was thinking last night though and I realised that actually yesterday was a hugely significant day for Janet and I. The new property is 'our' house, not just mine. Although it is in my name at the moment it is a place that we chose together. We will both be going into it from the starting point, whereas with my flat it was always mine and she was more of a guest in it. I decorated it in my style and had my furniture in it and so on. With the house it is already decorated and will be furnished with my stuff for a while, but with hers as well when she comes over next year. And any changes will be agreed by both of us. We've even chosen a fridge together. Which is, like, so romantic!
This is a bit of a mushy post, but I think I need to make some sort of mark about yesterday.
I was thinking last night though and I realised that actually yesterday was a hugely significant day for Janet and I. The new property is 'our' house, not just mine. Although it is in my name at the moment it is a place that we chose together. We will both be going into it from the starting point, whereas with my flat it was always mine and she was more of a guest in it. I decorated it in my style and had my furniture in it and so on. With the house it is already decorated and will be furnished with my stuff for a while, but with hers as well when she comes over next year. And any changes will be agreed by both of us. We've even chosen a fridge together. Which is, like, so romantic!
This is a bit of a mushy post, but I think I need to make some sort of mark about yesterday.
Monday, December 13, 2004
House update
I've completed on my house, I've completed on my house, I've completed on my house, I've completed on my house, I've completed on my house, I've completed on my house, I've completed on my house, I've completed on my house, I've completed on my house, I've completed on my house.
Not that I'm that bothered of course.
Not that I'm that bothered of course.
Friday, December 10, 2004
House update
Have arranged to have all my shit collected from the flat and moved to the house. As instructed I prepared a list of everything I own and discovered it was disappointingly small. The left (sensible) part of my bran is saying it's because I don't spend (too) much money and besides I don't have the room in the flat to leave lots of stuff lying around. The right (dangerous) side of my brain is saying I should have tried harder over the last few years. At least that is arranged now and I have a week to find some boxes and pack stuff in them.
I looked at the list of what I should have done/be doing and got depressed about it. So I decided to deal with changing addresses and turning off gas and stuff until Monday. Who works on a Friday afternoon anyway?! Apart from me.
One good thing is that I won't be in Munich next week so I'll actually have some time to start packing and dismantling furniture. The really bad side of that is I won't get to see Janet until after Christmas now.
Which I'm pretty gutted about and means this will be the longest we will have been apart since we started going out. Which sounds a bit soppy, but I'm that kind of guy...
I don't really know how I feel about the whole thing really. I think I will be sad to leave the flat because it has been a huge part of my life. And like everything you never forget your first time. I've also put a huge amount of blood, sweat and tears into the flat (literally as well as metaphorically) and I'm a little bit torn about giving that all up. It will be nice to be in a nicer area, with a bigger place. And to have a garden, drive, etc....
As an aside I pulled on the top draw of my filing cabinet and the whole front fell off. Followed a second later by the front of the bottom draw. And then rapidly followed by all of the contents of both drawers spilling onto my feet. So I'm guessing the cabinet will not be coming to the house with me. I knew I should have gone to Argos instead of Ikea.
I looked at the list of what I should have done/be doing and got depressed about it. So I decided to deal with changing addresses and turning off gas and stuff until Monday. Who works on a Friday afternoon anyway?! Apart from me.
One good thing is that I won't be in Munich next week so I'll actually have some time to start packing and dismantling furniture. The really bad side of that is I won't get to see Janet until after Christmas now.
Which I'm pretty gutted about and means this will be the longest we will have been apart since we started going out. Which sounds a bit soppy, but I'm that kind of guy...
I don't really know how I feel about the whole thing really. I think I will be sad to leave the flat because it has been a huge part of my life. And like everything you never forget your first time. I've also put a huge amount of blood, sweat and tears into the flat (literally as well as metaphorically) and I'm a little bit torn about giving that all up. It will be nice to be in a nicer area, with a bigger place. And to have a garden, drive, etc....
As an aside I pulled on the top draw of my filing cabinet and the whole front fell off. Followed a second later by the front of the bottom draw. And then rapidly followed by all of the contents of both drawers spilling onto my feet. So I'm guessing the cabinet will not be coming to the house with me. I knew I should have gone to Argos instead of Ikea.
Joke of the day
After a long day at work the seven dwarves were having a bath and feeling happy. So happy got out of the bath.
Thanks Paul.
Thanks Paul.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Janet and Dom
There are very few photos of us both together and looking normal, so I thought I'd take the opportunity an post this one. It's rare and will become extremely valuable.
Moving house
First of many posts on this subject I suspect. Just been reading up on what to do before you move house. and this company has a 4 week plan. I was hoping to move in about 4 days. And have done nothing that's even on the 4 week plan yet. Oh shit!
New posting tool
I revisited a new program called 'flickr' which is for uploading photos. I normally use 'hello', but it won't upload because of the type of server in the office in London. And 'flickr' appears to work from London which is a bonus. I'm not sure I like the final results and layout though so I'm going to sleep on it for a bit. It would be more practical to upload from London, rather than storing everything up or my Munich visits.
Hmmmm. It's too late on a Thursday to think about this. In fact it's almost time to go home. Which is excellent. After yesterday's complete lack of motivation and work in the office people seem to have sort of regained a new vigour. I still feel fine, but am quite tired. If I'm getting knackered by a couple of night's out, aged 29, what will it be like in a few years time?? And I'm not even trying to keep up with young people any more. I learnt my lesson on that front a few years ago!
I've also decided that I'm bored of Winter now. In Europe there's snow which at least goes some way to justifying the cold/wet/dark. But here it just gets quite depressing. And too commercial (in London at any rate). People are rushing everywhere, the transport network grinds to a halt, there's the stress of trying to think of what to buy people for Christmas (or who to spend Christmas and New Year with).
End of minor rant.
Hmmmm. It's too late on a Thursday to think about this. In fact it's almost time to go home. Which is excellent. After yesterday's complete lack of motivation and work in the office people seem to have sort of regained a new vigour. I still feel fine, but am quite tired. If I'm getting knackered by a couple of night's out, aged 29, what will it be like in a few years time?? And I'm not even trying to keep up with young people any more. I learnt my lesson on that front a few years ago!
I've also decided that I'm bored of Winter now. In Europe there's snow which at least goes some way to justifying the cold/wet/dark. But here it just gets quite depressing. And too commercial (in London at any rate). People are rushing everywhere, the transport network grinds to a halt, there's the stress of trying to think of what to buy people for Christmas (or who to spend Christmas and New Year with).
End of minor rant.
Salzburg Christmas Market, austria
The reason for visiting Salzburg - the Christmas market. Somehow the Europeans do Christmas so much bettr than us in the UK. It probably helps that it's colder so everone looks like Father Christmas, but I feel very snuggly when I'm out there.
An out-tower in Salzburg Castle, Austria
Trying to be arty. I like the blueness of the sky and the mountains in the background. It really was a day that made you feel good to be alive.
Salzburg castle, Austria
The castle overlooking the town. In fact it is almost a town in itself. A beautiful castle, and we were there on a stunning day.
Salzburg town, Austria
A panorama of Salzburg from the castle. Home to Mozart and lots of other famous people. Salzburg is a lot smaller than I imagined.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Morning after the night before
Office Christmas lunch yesterday. Late night. Happilly I feel fine, if a bit tired. Whereas the majority of the office look like those zombies out of zombie films (was going to say Buffy, but they look relatively normal).
Good news is that I've finally exchanged on my new house so it looks like I will be buying it now. And should get the keys on Monday hopefully. The next problem now is figuring out how to ship 10 tonnes of stuff across London ...
Good news is that I've finally exchanged on my new house so it looks like I will be buying it now. And should get the keys on Monday hopefully. The next problem now is figuring out how to ship 10 tonnes of stuff across London ...
Friday, December 03, 2004
I can't believe it's December already. I must have had a good year if it's gone by so fast!
A jaded Friday
Like always on a Friday I'm feeling well tired. And like all Friday's I can find an excuse for it - office Christmas Party last night. Which, by the by, was excellent fun. Drank, danced, ate and made merry, and no scandal resulted.
Survived all of the travels last week. Was well wasted by the end of the week though. In fact I'm convinced I'm still suffering from post-action sleep deprivation. But, in all seriousness, it was a very useful trip and Poland in particular was excellent. My last visit was a little timid compared to printer trips I've done before. I'm not complaining at all, and it was probably a good thing if I'm honest. This time was a bit more full-on and considerably messier. Which was also a good thing actually. It's difficult to find a highlight, but the night out on the Tuesday was pretty spectacular. Seven of us went out for a wondeful meal (3 servings of food cooked to order, 5 bottles of Chateaux Neuf du Pape, 2 bottles of Gavi di Gavi, far too many vodkas and coffee came to under £200!) and then on to this bar where we went to the private area out the back which was full of big beds. We lay on them and were served drinks from a private bar by some lovely bar staff. Both of these places were on the main square in Krakow which is apparently the biggest in Europe. It's beautiful by night, but I have yet to see it in daylight.
After 45 minutes sleep I then had 2 more full on days and very long evenings involving dinking and going out. I'm normally really grumpy when I'm tired (as many family, friends and associates will testify), so I was pretty pleased with myself that I was still conscious and with it by Friday. Then the run on Sunday went spectacularly well so I'm walking around with a nice big glow around me at the moment.
Am planning to go to Salzburg Christmas shopping this week-end. I've heard it's beautiful and it's only an hour away from Munich so should be fun. I just hope that it snows because that would be the icing on the cake.
I had a life-flash-before-your-eyes moment yesterday when flying into Munich. As we flew over the city there was really thick fog below. In fact it was so low that you couldn't see the ground, but could see the tops of a couple of the towers in town sticking out above the fog. As we approached it did cross my mind that the landing could be quite interesting because the white-out would be all the way to the ground. We duly headed towards the runway, but at the last second the pilot retracted the wheels, put full power on and climbed sharply. We went round again and it happened a second time. By this stage people were panicking in the cabin because we had no idea what was going on. I thought we'd had a near miss with another aircraft. The pilot came on as we were going around for the third time and said that we had had to abort the landings because he couldn't see the runway. And we were going to have one more go and if that didn't work out then we woul divert to Stuttgart. I (and I suspect the other 150 passengers) are thinking "let's just divert anyway", but we duly had another go at it and got down. I'm not scared of flying at all, but it did make my heart skip a beat though.
Survived all of the travels last week. Was well wasted by the end of the week though. In fact I'm convinced I'm still suffering from post-action sleep deprivation. But, in all seriousness, it was a very useful trip and Poland in particular was excellent. My last visit was a little timid compared to printer trips I've done before. I'm not complaining at all, and it was probably a good thing if I'm honest. This time was a bit more full-on and considerably messier. Which was also a good thing actually. It's difficult to find a highlight, but the night out on the Tuesday was pretty spectacular. Seven of us went out for a wondeful meal (3 servings of food cooked to order, 5 bottles of Chateaux Neuf du Pape, 2 bottles of Gavi di Gavi, far too many vodkas and coffee came to under £200!) and then on to this bar where we went to the private area out the back which was full of big beds. We lay on them and were served drinks from a private bar by some lovely bar staff. Both of these places were on the main square in Krakow which is apparently the biggest in Europe. It's beautiful by night, but I have yet to see it in daylight.
After 45 minutes sleep I then had 2 more full on days and very long evenings involving dinking and going out. I'm normally really grumpy when I'm tired (as many family, friends and associates will testify), so I was pretty pleased with myself that I was still conscious and with it by Friday. Then the run on Sunday went spectacularly well so I'm walking around with a nice big glow around me at the moment.
Am planning to go to Salzburg Christmas shopping this week-end. I've heard it's beautiful and it's only an hour away from Munich so should be fun. I just hope that it snows because that would be the icing on the cake.
I had a life-flash-before-your-eyes moment yesterday when flying into Munich. As we flew over the city there was really thick fog below. In fact it was so low that you couldn't see the ground, but could see the tops of a couple of the towers in town sticking out above the fog. As we approached it did cross my mind that the landing could be quite interesting because the white-out would be all the way to the ground. We duly headed towards the runway, but at the last second the pilot retracted the wheels, put full power on and climbed sharply. We went round again and it happened a second time. By this stage people were panicking in the cabin because we had no idea what was going on. I thought we'd had a near miss with another aircraft. The pilot came on as we were going around for the third time and said that we had had to abort the landings because he couldn't see the runway. And we were going to have one more go and if that didn't work out then we woul divert to Stuttgart. I (and I suspect the other 150 passengers) are thinking "let's just divert anyway", but we duly had another go at it and got down. I'm not scared of flying at all, but it did make my heart skip a beat though.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Post Nike 10k

Aaron and I having just completed the Nike 10k. It took about an hour (just over, but who's being pinickity) and Aaron was sick. I, on the other hand felt great and could have run another 10k! (warm glow surrounding me and smug grin on my face!). It was fun though and certainly quite unique - like lots of fireflies running around centralk London in our fluoro yellow tops.
Pre Nike 10k
Krakow, Poland
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